Industrial Compliance Dayton, Ohio Case Study

Source Sampling & Tier 1 Evaluation


As a result of a diesel tank overfill, Turn-Key Environmental Consultants, TKEC, assisted an industrial setting with its responsibilities to conduct Source Sampling andTier I Evaluation a Tier I Evaluation.  This included sampling soil and groundwater via Geoprobe push sampling techniques and installation of groundwater monitoring wells.  

The client had an overfill of their diesel tank which resulted in approximately 300-500 gallons of fuel spilling onto the surrounding area from the vent pipe.  The fuel was primarily contained to an asphalt parking lot.  However, some fuel impacted an adjacent grass area.  

Source Area Sampling

After the spill was cleaned up, TKEC conducted a Source Area Sampling.  As part of the sampling plan, six soil borings were installed and soil sampling was conducted.  All soil samples came back below action levels for contaminants of concern.  

Tier I  Evaluation

A Tier I Evaluation was required in order to sample the groundwater.  As part of this investigation, three groundwater monitoring wells were installed in the impacted area and soil and groundwater were samples.  As a result of this investigation, it was determined that the spill had been effectively remediated and the soil and groundwater samples were below action levels.  


The company received a No Further Action letter from BUSTR (Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations), a division of the State Fire Marshal